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Telegrams Sent.

Jackson Miss Sep 16. '65

Hubbard Capt. L. C.
Sub-Com. Freedmen
Columbus Miss

You can turn over to Bennett and proceed to Vicksburg to get your leave of absence

By order of Lt. Col. R. S. Donaldson
(Signed) S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. G.

Jackson Miss
Sept 16. 1865

[[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] Clarke Lt. C. W. 
Sub. Com. Freedmen
Meridian Miss.

Col. Donaldson is absent. You had better wait until next day

(Signed) S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. G.

Jackson Miss
Sept. 18 1865.

Critchfield Lt.

Return Mr. Sinclair until further orders.

(Signed) R S. Donaldson
Lt. Col. &c.

Jackson Miss Sept 17. 1865

Bamburger Lt. Sub. Com. Freed.
Hernando. Miss

Turn over to Lt. Ambrook, and report at this office in person. By Order Lt Col. R. S. Donaldson

(Signed) S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. G.


Telegrams Sent.

Jackson Miss, Sep. 17 1865

Eldridge Lt. Stu. A A. A. G.
Vicksburg, Miss,

Can you get the order releiving Pvt. A. [[Trumbull? Turnbull?]] "B." Co. 33d Ill. revoked. He is an efficient Agent and desires to remain.

By Order Lt. Col. Donaldson
(Signed) S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. G.

Jackson Miss
Sept. 17. 1865.

Clarke Lt. C. W. Sub Com. Freed.
Meridian, Miss.

Chaplain Smith must apply for Transportation again. Major Gordon will telegraph Col. Zeigler to give Transportation

By order Lt. Col. Donaldson
(Signed) S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. Gen'l.

Jackson Miss
Sept 21. 1865.

Gest L. H. Lieut
Sub. Com. Freed.
Macon Miss

Where is Capt. Buckwalter. Did he receive the Order making him Sub-Comr at Meridian. Answer by Telegraph.

By Command
S. D. Barnes
Lt. & A. A. A. G.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 17:34:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 17:15:37 B is erased, marked as strikethrough, please change if better way to denote that ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-22 13:25:20