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Telegrams sent

Jackson Miss Oct. 21 1865

Dickey Maj
Paymaster U.S.A
New Orleans, La

Mr. Chalfent can have employment immediately — Shall expect him by 1st train

By order
E. Bamberger
Lt. A A A G.

Jackson. Miss. Oct. 21. 1865

Thomas Sam'l Col.
Ass't Comm'r F.B.
Vicksburg, Miss.

Capt. Peck Sub Comm'r at Hazelhurst was arrested on the night of the 17th by the Sheriff aided by 19 armed men and taken to Gallatin and confined in jail.

R.S. Donaldson Lt. Col.

Jackson. Miss. Oct. 24. 1865

Clarke, C.W. Lt
A.A.A.G., F.B.
Vicksburg, Miss

Gov. Humphreys decides that he cannot order Capt. Pecks release, But hopes that the Capt will give Bonds for his appearance at Court. Particulars by mail.

R.S. Donaldson


Jackson, Miss. Oct. 25, 1865

Bamberger Lieut.

Maj. Free directs that Capt. Peck remain quietly in jail until he hears from Col. Thomas.

R.S. Donaldson
A.A. Comm'r

Jackson, Miss. Oct. 27, 1865

Dickey, Maj.
Pay Dep't N.O.

Inform me by telegraph when Mr. Chalfent will be here.

R.S. Donaldson
A.A. Comm'r

Jackson, Miss. Nov. 2, 1865

Bishop Col.
Comdg. Okalona, Miss.

Please designate an officer for Sub Comm'r at Okalona.

R.S. Donaldson
A.A. Comm'r

Jackson, Miss. Nov. 2, 1865

Weber J.H. Capt

Please get an order from Gen'l Osterhaus authorizing me to retain the house I now occupy by paying customary rent. There is no other house that I can get.

R.S. Donaldson
Act. As't. Comm'r.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-22 22:59:40