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Telegrams Sent

Jackson, Miss.
Nov. 3, 1865
Buckwalter, Capt.
Sub Comm'r.
Meridian, Miss.
Send Lt. Gests report of Freedmen to whom rations have been issued, without delay.
By order
E. Bamberger

Jackson, Miss.  Nov. 7, 1865
Weber, Capt.
Vicksburg, Miss.
Please send Capt. Hubbard for assignment at Aberdeen.
R.S. Donaldson
Act. Ass't. Comm'r.

Jackson, Miss. Nov. 7, 1865
Beard E.
Care Col. Thomas
Inform me by telegram if the clothing for teachers has been sent.
R.S. Donaldson
Act. Ass't. Comm'r

Weber J. H. Capt.
Vicksburg, Miss.
Gen'l Howard spoke to the freedmen this morning.  Started on 12,30 train for Memphis.
R.S. Donaldson
Lt. Col. &c.

Telegrams Sent

Jackson, Miss.
Nov. 11, 1865
Commanding Officer
U.S. Forces
Memphis, Tenn.
Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard, Commissioner of Freedmen Bureau will reach Memphis, Tenn. on 11.30 train tomorrow and will address the freedmen if a meeting can be so arranged that he can leave on evening packet for Cairo.
Act. Ass't. Comm'r

Jackson, Miss. Nov. 13, 1865
Summers Will M.
Sub. Com'r
Brandon, Miss.
You need not come in.  Will let you know tomorrow if a force can be sent.
By order
E. Bamberger
Act. Ass't Adj't Gen'l

Jackson, Miss.  Nov. 24, 1865
Johnston, B.K. Lt.
Sub. Comm'r
Grenada, Miss.
The posts are important.  Wait for further instructions.
E. Bamberger
Lt. A.A.A.G.