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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians further request that a modification be made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of such ruling, bearing in mind the practical needs of the Indians of the Northwest. -- d. BE IT RESOLVED by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians meeting in annual convention at Spokane, Washington, August 29, 1956, that since the rights and privileges granted the Indians by the Federal Government treaties and judicial decisions are endangered by the identification and certification of Indian status, it is requested that no action be taken by any individual department of State governments without the sanction of proper legal authority. -- e. BE IT RESOLVED by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, meeting in annual convention at Spokane, Washington, this 29th day of August, 1956, that the 31st Intermediate majority report of the committee on government operations of Federal timber sales policies (House Report No. 2960) be enthusiastically supported by this organization as follows: That a committee be appointed to further implement and augment the above-mentioned report in as much as it is proof of concrete, constructive action by men of responsibility in high government circles sympathetically and practically to solve specific Indian problems. That copies of the above report be made available to each of our Affiliated Tribes and that each tribe be advised to study it and the committee prepare itself to visit each tribe and discuss it with them. f. WHEREAS, during the forced patert [[patent]] era of 1918, many Indian lands were alienated, and it is now felt as a great loss to many Indian reservations, and, WHEREAS, the Appropriation Act has prohibited the use of tribal funds to purchase fee patented lands for fear that it would reduce the tax structure when the land would be placed under restrictions held in trust for the tribe, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians at annual convention held at Spokane, Washington, this 29th day of August, 1956, that the administration make an economic and resources survey to determine the danger of losing all of the Indian-owned lands through sale of land to non-Indians. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Indian tribes be permitted to use tribal funds to purchase fee patented lands which were lost by forced patents to Indians, and that the land purchased be held in trust for the tribes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for those tribes that are without tribal funds the Federal Government appropriate funds for land purchases. g. WHEREAS, the Congressional survey on Juvenile Delinquency on a national basis is underway for the purpose of finding out how to solve the problem; and A-2
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