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10 Employment of Social Worker & Special Agent, Spokane Subagency Resolution No. 15 WHEREAS, the Spokane Tribe of Indians, State of Washington, has for several years requested that the Bureau of Indian Affairs place a Special Agent at the Spokane Subagency at Wellpinit, Washington, to carry out the Government's responsibilities of administration and realty work, and WHEREAS, the Spokane Tribe has no received the services to which it has been entitled since the Spokane Agency has moved away from the reservation to the Colville Agency in Nespelem, Washington, over thirty years ago, and WHEREAS, it is also recognized by Tribal and Bureau officials as well as public school administrators and the county Department of Public Assistance that a Social Worker for the reservation is desperately needed for the Spokane Tribe, and WHEREAS, the Spokane Business Council again presented its request for the placement of a Special Agent and a Social Worker at the Spokane Subagency to the Superintendent, the Area Director and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at the meeting at Boise, Idaho, on September 22 and 23, 1956, and WHEREAS, Bureau officials at this conference pledged their support and recognized the validity of the Spokane claim for such assistance, NOW THEREFORE BE IT HERBY RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS, in convention assembled, September 24 to 28, 1956, that the request by the Spokane Tribe that a special agent and a social worker be placed as permanent employees at the Spokane Subagency, Wellpinit, Washington, be fulfilled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the immediate future. Indian Health Resolution No. 16 WHEREAS, the Public Health Service is sponsoring an Indian program to improve Indian health on Indian reservations by adequate facilities and personnel to improve sanitation among Indian people, and is supporting H.R. 9150 and Senate bill as jointly introduced to provide domestic and community sanitation facilities and service for Indians; and WHEREAS, the Governor's Interstate Indian Council, consisting of nineteen states, approved such programs; and WHEREAS< the National Congress of American Indians believes that said Resolution 9150 and said proposals and programs for the improvement of health conditions of Indians as announced by the Public Health Service are to the best interest of the Indian people; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS that it go on record as approving said H.R. 9150 and the Public Health Program; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be mailed to the Surgeon General of the United States and the proper committees on Indian affairs in the House and the Senate, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of the Interior.