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WHEREAS, many groups, because of the representation that the meetings were to be confidential, and others because of their direct inquiries, did not invite their tribal attorneys, though those attorneys would have been useful to them in dealing with the problems to be raised by the Commissioner of Indian Affiars;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERCIAN INDIANS, in convention assembled, September 24 to 28, 1956, Salt Lake City, that we deplore the refusal of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to allow the Indian Tribes to bring the full delegation they desired, including their attorney, and recording secretaries, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we especially deplore the misrepresentation to the public by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the wishes and attitudes expressed by the Indians who have attended the meetings called by the Commissioner. More specifically, the Indian Tribes present here at this 13th Annual Convention are opposed to the policies of the present administration with respect to the handling of such matters as revolving credit funds and termination of Federal responsibility and in view of this opposition we must refuse to endorse or support the Commissioner in these respects, and yet it is in these very areas of concern that we have been misrepresented.

Amendment of Social Security Act.
WHEREAS, Indians of advanced age should be protected from loss of their lands through taxation or forced sales brought about by their becoming recipients of Old Age Assistance Grants; and
WHEREAS, Indian trust allotments should be exempted from the State laws which provide that "any asset, tangible or intangible, which can be applied toward meeting an applicant's or recipient's need, either directly or by conversion into money or its equivalent"
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS, in convention assembled at Salt Lake City, Utah, September 24-28, 1956, that enactment of legislation in the 85th Congress to amend the Social Security Act to require State agencies in determining need to disregard the value of land held in trust for Indians as follows:
That clause (7) of Section 402 (a) of the Social Security Act (relating to State old-age assistance plans)is amended by inserting at the end of thereof the following: "except that, in making such determination, the State agency shall disregard the value of any interest of such individual in land held by the United States as trustee for any Indian, but not the income derived from such interest;"
That clause (7) of Section 402 (a) of the Social Security Act (relating to State plans for aid to dependent children) is amended by inserting at the end of such thereof the following: "except that, in making such determination, the State agency shall disregard the value of such child in land held by the United States as trustee for any Indian, but not the income derived from such interest;"
That clause (8)of Section 1002 (a) of the Social Security Act (relating to State plans for aid to the blind) is amended by striking out the semicolon at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "and the value of any interest of such individual in land held by the United States as trustee for any Indian, but not the income derived from such interest;"
That Clause (8) of Section 1402 (a) of the Social Security Act (relating to State plans for aid to the permanently and totally disabled) is amended by adding at the end