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-4- RESOLUTION NO. 5 Development of Domestic Water Supplies WHEREAS, the Gila River-Pima Maricopa Community has presented a resolution requesting the concurrence of the National Congress of American Indians in their need of a domestic water supply, and WHEREAS, after careful study by the NCAI assembled in annual convention, it was concluded that this is the responsibility of the Federal Government, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall provide the proper justifications for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the NCAI does hereby request the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to include in its budget for the fiscal year of 1958, funds for the development of domestic water supplies on all reservations in the United States; provided, further, that the NCAI does hereby concur with the resolution of the Gila River Pima-Maricopa resolution and request immediate action be taken on their request since their needs are paramount at this time. Education Program for Over-age Students RESOLUTION NO. 6 WHEREAS, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has a five-year special Navajo educational program for over-age students, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that this educational program be extended to all other tribes in the United States and Alaska that need such program, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bureau of Indian Affairs take immediate steps to extend such programs to all other tribes needing such assistance. Vocational Training Program for Disabled Tribal Members RESOLUTION NO. 7 WHEREAS, it appears from the press account that an agreement between the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Department of Education of the State of Arizona, setting up a vocational training program for the rehabilitation of the disabled members of the Navajo Tribe, is being submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for approval; BE IT RESOLVED by the National Congress of American Indians in convention assembled, September 24 to 28, 1956, Salt Lake City, Utah, that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs is respectfully and sincerely requested to cause the program to include the disabled members of all Indian tribes of the United States and Alaska, who need such program. Ownership and Disposition of Indian Trust Land RESOLUTION NO. 8 WHEREAS, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has in recent correspondence re-stated its policy on ownership and disposition of Indian trust land, and WHEREAS, this statement says in effect that the disposition of Indian lands is governed by regulations contained in 25 CFR 241, that the individual Indian's rights are paramount to tribal and other interests, that the Government has no equitable right to deny an Indian's application for a fee title, and that the Bureau of Indian Affairs recognizes the individual Indian's undeniable right to ask for a supervised sale, and
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