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13th Annual Convention Resolutions
[[underlined]]September 24 to 28, 1956[[/underlined]]

[[3 columned table]]
|[[underlined]]Subject[[/underlined]]|[[underlined]]Resolution No.[[/underlined]]|[[underlined]]Page No.[[/underlined]]|
|Affiliated Tribes Resolutions|Attachment I|A 1-3|
|Appreciation of Friends, Contributors|23|14|
|Arizona-California, Water Rights|4|3|
|Attorneys - Contract Fund|21|13|
|Denial of Services|12|6-7|
|Bureau of Indian Affairs Policy|12|6-7|
|Code of Federal Regulations|3|2|
|Code of Federal Regulations|8|4|
|Crow Tribe, Support of|14|8|
|Crow Tribe, State of Chairman|-|9|
|Drought Relief, Pueblos|17|11|
|Education - Loans|9|5|
|Over-age Students|6|4|
|Vocational Training|7|4|
|Federal Regulations, Code of|3|2|
|Federal Regulations, Code of|8|4|
|Fishing/Hunting Rights|22|13|
|Gila River-Pima Maricopa, Water Supply|5|4|
|Health -General|16|10|
|H.R. 9150 - Program|16|10|
|Hunting/Fishing Rights|22|13|
|Klamath, Termination Act|20|12|
|Land - Purchase Programs|10|5|
|Sale of|8|4-5|
|Legal Assistance|21|13|
|Loans, Educational|9|5|
|Management of Assets|3|2|
|NCAI - Committees|11|6|
|Northwest Affiliated Tribes, Support of|19|12|
|Northwest Affiliated Tribes, Resolutions|Attachment I|A 1-3|
|Point Four Program|2|2|
|Policy, Bureau of Indian Affairs|12|6-7|
|Policy, NCAI|1|1|
|Pueblo, Drought Assistance|17|11|
|Pyramid Lake, Water Rights|18|11|