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5. That any transfer of services now provided by the United States for the benefit of Indians be jointly planned with the Indians; and

6. That Public Law 280 (83rd Cong.) be modified to provide that the assumption by States of jurisdiction in criminal and civil actions in Indian reservations be brought about only after negotiation between a State and the Indian Tribe and only to the extent from time to time agreed upon by the Indian Tribe;

7. That the Indian groups be kept fully advised at all stages of pending legislation in which their interests may be involved and that the Secretary of the Interior likewise keep them advised of regulatory measures which may be proposed for adoption, and accord full opportunity to the Indian groups and their representatives to be heard and have their needs and views considered in the formulation, modification or repeal of regulatory measures.


Passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 85

WHEREAS, there was introduced in the 84th Congress Senate Concurrent Resolution 85 which provides a declaration of policy in the field of Indian affairs with which the NCAI is substantially in accord,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS, in convention assembled, September 24 to 28, 1956, Salt Lake City, Utah, that we hereby endorse and recommend the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 85 in the 85th Congress of FURTHER RESOLVE that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior and all Members of Congress.


Review of Restrictions Imposed by 25, Code of Federal Regulations

WHEREAS, the NCAI has carefully studied and considered the problems presented by the delegates with respect to the management of Indian assets, and

WHEREAS, much study and consideration reveals that the Indians are unduly and unfairly restricted in the management of valuable assets by the Code of Federal Regulations and the interpretations placed thereon, by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and

WHEREAS, such undue and unfair restrictions are resulting in the mismanagement and wasting of assets to the extent that such mismanagement and waste is shacking to the conscience, and

WHEREAS, in particular the Indians are, as a practical matter, unable to enter into advantageous leases of their oil and gas and other minerals and are unable to enter into advantageous grazing and agricultural leases, and

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-26 21:10:41