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[[note]] Morning Session, September 24 1956 [[/note]]

The Presiding Officer of this session is [[crossed out]]1st President[[/crossed out]], 1st Vice-President Clarence Wesley. [[crossed out]] Wilfred [[/crossed out]] The Rev. Rupert Parker, [[crossed out]] who gave[[/crossed out]] will give the invocation. "Let us pray. Almighty God, We thank thee  for what thou hast deemed to each one of us present this morning." As this convention deliberates on various problems that confront the Indian people of this nation we need Thee, Father, to guide us. Give us wisdom and knowledge, Father, and to those Indian leaders of this convention. Instill in their hearts that this tremendous task cannot be accomplished without Thee. We now commit this convention into Thy hands . Help us father, that it [[crossed out]]will not be [[/crossed out]]is not all material but spiritual as well. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen. 

The presentation of the colors by Henry C[[crossed out]]ro[[/crossed out]]uch, Commander, American Legion Post, No. 126. Color Guard, [[crossed out]] present [[/crossed out]] advance colors of our country.

Now everyone will join in singing the National Anthem, [[crossed out]]led by Mrs..
Henderson.[[/crossed out]] (National Anthem sung.)

Now we will all join in pledging allegiance to the flag and we will be led by Mr. Willian Sutter, National Executive Committeeman, of the American Legion, Past Utah Department Commander, Mr. [[crossed out]]Zater[[/crossed out]] Sutter. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I will run through this very hurriedly. As you know, some three or four years ago there was a change in one place in the pledge. It reads like this: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.   Now if you will follow me: (Allegiance repeated by Congress.) Governor Lee has asked that Mr. H. C. Shoemaker bring you a message from the people of Utah. Mr. Shoemaker is a member of the Governor's Advisory Committee on Indian Affairs and Chairman of the State Department of Public Welfare. Now it gives me great pleasrue to introduce to you Mr. Shoemaker.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-10 18:32:07 *Manning Seesaw is Morning Session.