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- 3 - I am sure that if the Governor were here today he would be thrilled at witnessing this gathering of Indian leaders from a great portion of the United States. I understand from your Secretary that you represent altogether some 200,000 of our Indian citizens. It is certainly a heartening thing when the Indian people can get together like this to help solve their own problems. I know that you are not asking any special treatment or any special consideration from anybody. All you are asking that you receive the same rights, and the same privileges, and that you shoulder the same responsibilities as other segments of our society. When you have been given an opportunity, you have demonstrated that you can produce fine citizens and fine leadership. And when the same privileges and opportunities of education and of health and general welfare are accorded to the Indians they take second place to none in our civilizations. You have met many discouragements along the way. There are many obstacles still to some, but we are all encourages that during the last few years in particular great progress has been made and your organization has done its part in bringing about this progress. From the Governor of Utah I extend to you our happiness that you are here, out heartiest welcome, our hopes that you endow yourself while you are here and the Governor has ordered this fine weather out here while you are at this convention. Thank you very much. Thank you Mr.Shoemaker for those wonderful words. We have with us another man of the city, the Honorable Adiel F. Stewart, Mayor of Salt Lake City. Mr Stewart: "Mr.Chairman, chairman Shoemaker, President Hanks, Platform Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Americans all, I was thrilled a few moments ago when these placards indicating the different groups and tribes of Indian people were facing us here, and when we have these people so beautifully bedecked in their tribal regalia its an inspiration to review what has occurred thus far. I am very happy to look into the faces of the Indian people who have descended from those valorous chiefs, those great men of your group, who were grossly misunderstood by early Americans, and on behalf of Salt Lake City, I greet you this morning. We are very happy, we are honored in having you here in attendance at this Convention. We think Salt Lake City to be a friendly city and we hope that it will in every way, show friendliness and