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fraternalism to this group.

To some of us Indian people are strangers, to others not so much. I have heard my father who was born and reared in Draper, a little town south of here, tell of wrestling with the Indian boys as a boy, members of the Ute Indians Tribe. I know his older brother, Isaac Stewart, who practiced law in Richfield, maybe some of you people, the older ones, would have been acquainted with him, he had the same experience as he was quite a noted wrestler, with the Indians. They enjoyed these intermingles sports. I think Utah's record, perhaps, in association and dealing with the Indian people, is a little better than that of some other communities, and I say that not facetiously, but early to the settlement, of Utah, Brigham Young, a great and a wise leader, encouraged treating the Indian people kindly, and some of you from eastern and southeastern Utah are not only familiar with the name of Jacob Hamlin and what a great friend he was with the Indian people. There are countless stories of his association with them. I recall one in particular, which depicts the type of friend to the Indians that he was. It seems that one of the Indians in the neighborhood needed a horse, and Jacob Hamblin sent his [son] to those Indian people to exchange this horse for some blankets. The boy, wanting to be big and important, exacted from that chief, a number of blankets more than he should have done. The chief came out, with, I don't know how many, and presented them to him, and this boy, wanting to be a trader, indicated more. The chief graciously added more. When the boy got back to Jacob Hamblin's residence, he said to the boy, "My boy, you have too many blankets for that horse. the boy said, "Well, I though we should get all that we could. He said to the boy, "How many did the chief offer you," and he indicated. He said, "All right, you cut it back to that number and then you take two more out of that and then you take those blankets back to the chief and you tell him that Jake Hamblin said, "Too many, and unjust." Now, that is the atmosphere that promotes faith, It is just a little story but it indicates the type of relationship which should exist between the Indian people and the other people who have come here and taken over the lands which originally belonged to their people. Fortunately, as I read