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[[crossed out]]their[[/crossed out]] strength and [[crossed out]]their[[/crossed out]] welfare. [[crossed out]]Third or fourth, y[[/crossed out]]Your land, whether it be Individually or tribally[[crossed out]]loaned[[/crossed out]] owned, is territory that is a part of this great democratic country. [[crossed out]]In other words t[[/crossed out]] This is your share in the United States. It is[[crossed out]],therefore,[[/crossed out]] not our purpose to retain the land merely for sentimental purpose, but as you can see, [[crossed out]]concerns[[/crossed out]] the land is the very basis of the economic and general welfare of the [[crossed out]]American[[/crossed out]] Indian people. The purpose of our existence as an organization, [[crossed out]] as [[/crossed out]] the National Congress of American Indians, is not to find fault with our trustee[[crossed out]]s[[/crossed out]], the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Oftentimes[[crossed out]], when[[/crossed out]] we are in disagreement with the government. But when we disagree this is done not [[crossed out]]to destroy[[/crossed out]] for the purpose of destroying the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It has been the feeling [[crossed out]]that[[/crossed out]] of most of us, that the [[crossed out]]government[[/crossed out]] Bureau, in many cases, is getting too far away from its responsiblities as a trustee and hence the job for which [[crossed out]]they[[/crossed out]] it exists has been somewhat neglected. Any criticism directed to the Bureau of Indian Affairs is for a constructive purpose, with the hope to retain and improve that relation which still exists between the American Indians and the United States Goverment. Finally, our goal is not necessarily integration with the population of the rest of this country. Nor do we oppose integration. First of all, as a proud people, it is natural that we should want and work to retain our identity and preserve our existence. [[crossed out]] and[/crossed out]] Second, we are doing our best to [[crossed out]]plan for our[[/crossed out]] save land for exonomic interests. These conditions, therefore, behoove us, to remain together and through organized efforts fight to accomplish the goals of civilization in our own rights Indians and as American citizens. Thank you." Mrs. Peterson, our Executive Director of the organization, has some announcements to make: We have to do some checking and counting so that you can have a better time and be sure that you get something to eat and a ride, for several things. Every delegate, whether he is Catholic or Protestant, or something else, is invited to both of the church services: Tomorrow morning at 8 o.clock at the Catholic cathedral, followed by a breakfast which is being given in your honor as guests. On Thursday morning, also at 8 a.m. another breakfast, a Protestant service for your pleasure. Will the sergeants-at-arms and the Mrs. Olinger and Mrs [[crossed out]]Harriet[[/crossed out]]Parriette
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-27 13:03:30