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The following are some of them:
1..Is any income coming to an Indian cattleman taxable where he headquarters his stock on his allotted land but grazes them on open reservation, on tribal land or on the allotted land abettors. What about when he grazes the cattle on state or private lands.?
2. What about income to a tribal member from a mineral lease? on tribal alnd on which he is the lessee? Or has some other business interest in the lease. How far does the exemption of of income from allotted lands go if the land in inherited by or sold to other Indians. 
4. What about income from fishing and hunting on the reservation or off the reservation, especially when such fishing and hunting is by virtue of treaty rights. 
5. Can we prevent Congress, if it wants to, from passing a law taking away this tax exemption won in these tax cases? Could such laws legally be enforced or would they violate the fundamental treaty rights of the Indians.?
These and other questions will be answered in the future. Whether they are answered in favor of the Indians will depend to a large extent upon how well the Indian tribes from allover the country cooperate in protecting the right coming to all of us. This, of course, is one of the great benefits of the NCAI which has been instrumental in much that has already been done (2) Robert B. Dellwo, Attorney, Spokane, Washington.
Now, I am sure that there are many questions that many of you have. I am going to ask John Cragun and Howard Payne, Howard will you come on up, to assist in attempting to answer these questions, We'll be glad to have any of them, if we can't answer any of them maybe they're under some of these that Mr. Dellwo says are not yet answerable, but we'll certainly do the best we can to answer any questions. But in that connection you will recall that Mr. Dellwo 's paper that he mentioned that the first step for all of you in recovering money that you have already paid which you believed falls under this ruling is to file what he named a claim for refund. We have obtained this morning a number of these claims for refunds. I wonder if the sergeant at arms and several of your members would distribute these among the audience so you could just take a look at them and see what