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But that is the federal income tax and it is all he is concerned with in the Capomin case. This other problem you raise is quite different. It involves specific statutes that I am not qualified to speak on without refreshing myself on it and I think the only safe thing to do with respect to a problem like that is to take it up with a competent attorney and have his follow it through. You may not have a tax question against Oklahoma you may have a breach of trust against the United States itself.
Is there anything further on that now?
(Will you please elaborate a little more on this gross production tax,
(Conversation lost on this)
Question asked how the ruling handed down affected personal property taxes)
I don't think it has any bearing whatsoever on personal property taxes, levied by the state or on real property taxes levied by the state. I do not think this case has anything to do with it. On your personal property taxes what is particular are you talking about there, I think that is another subject and would have to be analyzed knowing what particular property was involved and where it was located and so forth. 
Question unintelligible.
Answer: Well, so far, and I speak only in connection with our particular reservation and the statutes of Oregon with which I'm familiar our state or county governments have not been successful in claiming personal property taxes, on farm equipment used on alloted and restricted lands. By the same token they haven't succeeded in assessing us on the basis of real property taxes on those things until they are taken toa patent. I don't know what the particular statutes involved in your state would be or in your county what attitude they would take so it is difficult for me to answer this question. 
Mr. Cragun advises me that there is a case arising in Montana in which the sheriff for the county asserted a personal property tax, and the Indians there resisted it and filed suit and lost it in a lower court and it is now pending on appeal so I guess we don't have an answer for that yet.