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efficient and his manner of conducting business and mode of keeping records are satisfactory.
Under his administration the interests of the Freedmen have been well looked after to the entire satisfaction of their friends.

Schools. Two flourishing schools maintained in the Division. One at Christiansburg with two teachers and one at Dublin with one teacher. Two School houses have been erected one at Christiansburg and one at Dublin for the repair of which the Bureau appropriated (300) Three hundred dollars at Christiansburg and (200) Two hundred dollars at Dublin. The house at Christiansburg is one of the best in this part of the State costing(1400) dollars.

4th Division  Brevt. Capt. H.S. Hunt A.S.A. Comm. Bvt. Capt. Hunt is a capable Officer and his manner of doing business and mode of keeping records satisfactory.

Schools. There is one school in this Division of about 35 schollars taught by a Colored man and supported by the Freedmen. There is not as much interest taken in schools in this Div.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 09:47:06