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with. Since the Election the feeling of the greater portion of the Whites including almost the entire property owners has been that of entinse hatred.

Their openly avowed object is to take from them every right secured by acts of congress and keep them in a state worse if possible than slavery.  To accomplish this purpose every means within their power will be used.  One of the most effectual will be to drive them from their huts and employment thereby forceing them to vote against their own interests or starve.  The Freedmen are industrious where they can find employment, temperate and peaceable, but they are so dependent upon their former masters that their industry scarcely feeds and clothe themselves leaving the Children and helpless ones to obtain a liveing as best they can by begging or by charity.  Under such circumstances there must be much suffering and aid and aid and assistance will be urgently called for.

There is no assureance or likelyhood that Freedmen would receive full and complete justice in the civil Courts in cases where they were interested parties against Whites were the Government protection removed.  The prejudise is so deep

Transcription Notes:
first word, forthwith, on previous page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 10:58:48