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New Kent C.H June 8th   1868
Capt Will A. Coulter
A.A.A. Gen'l Bureau R.F. & A.L.
I have the honor to state in compliance with your order this day received, that the questions proposed in a communication through Head Quarters 8th Sub dist have been twice answered. First by a communication by return mail after first receiving it and afterward by an endorsement inquiring in relation to it. I am not able to explain the reason of your not receiving it. I much regret the circumstance.
The date of my appointment for this state (Va) was April 7th 1868.
I have been agent of Bureau R.F. & A.L. since Nov 20th 1865.
My salary was fixed by appointment at one hundred dollars ($100.) per month.
I have taken the required oath & given bonds for the faithful performance of duty which are on file in Washington D.C. dated 1867.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
E.G. Townsend
thro Sub Asst Comr
Genl Armstrong