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accumulating anything upon which they can depend in case of sickness and old age.

The 3d and 4th Divisions (Six Counties) inn charge of C.S. Schaeffer A.S.A.Commr. who is a faithful and efficient Officer and discharges his duties very satisfactorily. The Freedmen are comparatively doing well in this Division though their wages are small and unremunerative. In Pulaski County a Company of Northern men have commenced the manufacturing of Iron on quite an extensive scale and after trying White laborer unsuccessfully now employ Colored at fair wage. They employ from 80 to 100 hands. This is a great benefit to the Freedpeople of that County. In this Division there is a great scarcity of corn reported and the price so high as to render it beyond the means of a poor man to procure it. This scarcity is most felt in Floyd County where the price is now over two dollars per bushell while the price of a days labor is only 50 cts. The Freedmen throughout

Transcription Notes:
12.1.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (first word break transcribed as complete word; spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review