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and his files are not carefully put up. I took occasion to point out to him coherein [[?]] his papers were defective or improperly kept.

The A.S.A.C. in charge of the counties of New Kent and Charls City have been unaccustomed to the forms of Bureau business as it is carried on in this state and has been repeatedly corrected for errors in many respects.

He has been restricted to observe the requirements of Article I Officers Manual, in opening [[?]] and transacting business.
His books and papers are complete, though, at present, not very well arranged.

The general condition of Freedmen in this Sub district is unchanged.

All that I have stated in previous reports in respect to this topic still holds true, in my opinion. They are barely getting along, the Chief end of life is to subsist; there is no progress, nor chance of any, as things now are. 

The farmers or laborers of Color are making