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To aid in erecting S.H. at Gloucester Court House       $125.00
For repairs on S.H. at Eastville Northampton Co           50.00
For repairs on S.H. at Bridgetown Northampton Co          50.00
To aid in erecting S.H. at Franktown Northampton Co      100.00
For repairs on S.H. at Capeville Northampton Co          100.00
For rent of S.H at Ohancock Accornac Co.                  25.00
For rent of S.H at Drummondtown Accornac Co.              25.00
To aid in erecting S.H. at Modesttown Accornac Co.       100.00
To aid in erecting S.H. at Horntown Accornac Co.         100.00
For making desks for schools in 5th Sub Dist             500.00
For making blackboards for schools                       100.00


In explanation of the above I would remark that the application is based on a full knowledge of the circumstances of each case or place, and that the grants above asked for would insure a rigorous educational work in this sub-district.

In relation to the $650.00 asked for the Butler School House I beg leave to state that that large and useful building has been in constant use for three years, never cost the Bureau of R.F. and A.L. one cent, has accommodated  

Transcription Notes:
Not sure of some of the town/county names.