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Head Quarters First Military District.
State of Virigina.
Richmond Va. June 17th 1868.

Mr. Lemuel Van Boskerck.
Clerk of the County Court of Youk County.
Yorktown, Virginia.

Through Head Quarters Sub District of Norfolk.
Norfolk. Virginia

I am directed by the Commanding General to inform you that the application of the County Court of York County, Virginia, made at the May term 1868, to have the building lately occupied by the troops in Yorktown turned over to said County for use as a Court House has been approved.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
(Sgd) J A Campen
2nd Lieutenant 5th US Artillery
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U.S.A.
Acting Assistant Adjutant General.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-02 17:33:23