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are endeavouring to improve them. They are children;- but are in the hands of an educated, shrewd, hostile race - hostile, not to their being fed and clothed, but to their assumption of equal rights.

From a two years and a half constant duty in this Bureau, I have seen and therefore claim to know that the humane and educational work carried on by the government through the Bureau, and in connection with Northern charitable associations, receives no active sympathy from the whites in the eastern portion of this state. The few far seeing Southern men who believe in educating the blacks dare not express such opinions for fear of social ostracision. The educated white looks with contempt upon the enfranchised colored citizen; - the poor white is bitterly jealous of him. Of such men are chosen the judges and juries that administer the laws upon and decide the destinies of the freedman.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-04 10:48:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-04 12:46:04 to add the page number (2.), correct a typo