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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands, Headquarters, Asst. Comm., Dist. of Colombia 
Washington, April 16th, 1868. 
Genl. C.H. Howard
Asst. Commissioner, D.C.
I am informed by the Supt. of Freedmens' Villages that he often receives instructions to relieve cases of destitution among freedpeople residing in the vicinity of Freedmen's Village. Many cases are reported to him in which, having no definite orders, he cannot act, as his jurisdiction does not extend outside the limits of the village

I have the honor to call your attention to the above facts and suggest whether it would not be expedient to request of the Commissioner of the Bureau an extension at the limits of this District to embrace the population which naturally centres about Freedmens' Village - say all within the area described by a radius of their mules extending from the village, and striking the river above and below. 
Respectfully, Your obedient servant, 
[[signature]] S.A. Clark.
A.A.I. General  