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Hospital and quarters inclusive, amounted on the 30th November 1867. to 975.
Number received during month     2759.
Number Discharged during month   2181.
Number Died during month           41.
Number transferred during month     4.
Total remaining Dec 31st 1867.   1508.
Showing an increase of 533. during the month. The average percentage of deaths to 1000 was 11. & The general sanitary condition of freedmen in the state is favorable considering the season of the year.

No epidemic infections or contagious diseases are prevailing among freedmen in the District.

The Medical Officers and other employees of the Medical Department are doing their duty faithfully and satisfactorily, providing as far as possible for the comfort of those under their charge.

It is apparent that there is more destitution among freedmen in certain parts of the District than during the last winter. The effort of the Bureau to relieve it has effected great good, preventing much suffering and saving

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