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Wattsville Va
Feby 5th 1868

General Howard
Freedmen's Bureau

Sir -
I enclose you an account I have against Erastus Whealten, a white man. Mr Whealten justly owes me all this money and has plenty of property to pay it but he refuses to do so. Mr Whealten by employing lawyers and one kind of chicanery or another keep me out of my rights. What I want is an inquiry or investigation into the merits of my case in order that justice may be done me. If you will order an investigation through Capt Sherwood at Drummondtown I think I could get justice. Your attention will greatly oblige a needy freedman

George Drummond Colored
of sixth magisterial district of 
Accomac County Virginia

Any communication from you directed to Horntown Virginia will reach me.