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Mr. DePass during an acquaintance with him has exhibited marked business capacity, and I should be glad to see him in a position where his abilities would have at once adequate opportunity and remuneration.
Benj. B. Foster

Brig Genl Brown
Dear Sir,  I take great pleasure in recommending Capt DePass for a position under you, I know him well, he would make a valuable officer, and give general satisfaction to this section.
Your friend
James H Clement

I know DePass personally; he is competent and I really and sincerely hope you will appoint him to the position he seeks for he is a most amenable and kind hearted gentleman.
Yr friend
W.W. Wing

D. 34 R.F. and A.L. Va. 1st Vol. 1868


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-05 17:10:19