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Connect with A 145
D 36 RF&AL Va 1st V 1868
Bureau RF&AL Dist Va
Office Surg in Chief Dist
Richmond Va May 23/68
De Lamater JJ Surg in Chief Dist Va
Bureau RF&A Lands
Respectfully reports as directed by communication of this date in regard to Dr Casey's occupation at Yorktown. States that he has been industriously occupied thus far. Hopes with the advance of warmer weather that his engagement will be less pressing. Informs Genl Brown that the Surgeon in Chief has written Dr Casey urging if possible consistently with proper attention at Yorktown that one and if possible two visits weekly shall be made by him to Williamsburg to attend to pressing cases there, directing also to make the benefits of the Yorktown Dispensary as accessible as possible to proper cases at Williamsburg. States that when Dr Casey's report is received that a further report will be forwarded to Genl Brown.