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were full, and were [[?]], with many applicants waiting for  admission, leaving no hope that these freedmen could be accomodated in State Asylums, for a long time to come.  The improvement in the condition of these unfortunates has been here more then could be expected during the length of time they have had Hospital comforts, and medical attendance.  
   There are in the employment of the Medical Department of the Bureau Dist Va.

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Total number of Employees | 31 |
| They are located as follows |   |
| One (1) in the office of Surgeon in Chief of Bureau as clerk | 1 |
| Twenty five (25) at Howard Grove Hospital, including Orphan and Lunatic Asylums | 25 |
| Five (5) at Hampton Hospital | 5 |
| Total number June 30th 1868 | 31 |

   There has been no increase in the number of employees of the Medical Department of the Bureau Dist Va during the month of June.  From changes of Employees there has been a slight reduction of expenses.  The compensation of Medial Officers during June amounted to $850.00 a decrease of $50 as compared, with the month of May.  Two officers having been discharged, the reduction in this expense will be $200.  in July, and will amount only to $700.00, Total expenses of Employees Med Dept, Dist, during the month of June,