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Number remaining in Asylums Augt 21"   82. 
A decrease during the Month of twelve (12), as compared with July 31st. 
The two orphan Asylums are in good condition, and the health of the inmates excellent. The matrons in charge are very competent, and attentive.

Asylums for Insane
There is but one (1) in charge of the Bureau, and this one is a ward at Howard Grove Hospital. It is in fine order, and well conducted in all respects.
Number of inmates on the 31st of July  - 62
Number received during Augt - 8
Number discharged in Augt  1
Number died in Augt  1
Number remaining Augt 31st  68
An increase duting the month of Augt of  6.

Employees of Med. Dept. Bureau
Number at the close of the month of July   31.
This number remains unchanged. Twenty five of them are on duty at Howard Grove Hospital and Dispensary at Richmond. Five are on duty at Hampton Hospital, and one in the office of the Surgeon in Chief of the District as clerk - Their total compensation per month $450.00
The number of Medical Officers has not been changed since last report. Total No 7- compensation $100.oo each total 700.0