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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 11th Sub-District of Virginia.
Farmville, Va. November 7: 1868

Bvt Brig General O. Brown
Asst Commr District of Va Bureau RF and AL
Richmond, Va

I have the honor to report in compliance with Cir No 16 Head Quarters Asst Commr District of Virginia dated August 6th 1868, that I left my Station on the 19" of Oct 1868. and returned November 3d 1868. from leave of Absence granted me by Special Order No 126" Head Quarters Asst Commr District of Va dated Oct 16" 1868. I was unvoidably detained beyond my leave by the severe and sudden illness of my Wife.

I am General.
Very Respectfully.
Your Obedt Servt.
Laurence L. Davids
Agent. Bur RF and AL

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-06 14:19:48