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Howard's Grove Hospital 
Richmond, Va
Febry. 18th 1868

Surg. J.J. De Lamater
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.V. Surg in Chief
Dist. Va. B.R.F. &c

I have the honor to tender my resignation as a clerk in the Freedmen's Bureau, and respectfully ask that it be accepted.

My reasons for resigning are, 
1st Having been engaged in this present work nearly two (2) years, and never in that been absent, I now desire to visit my home.

2nd Also having in view a position of greater pecuniary advantages [[erased]] it is only fair [[/erased]]

Very Respectfully
Yr. Obdt. Servt.
Geo W. Evans

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-07 11:37:12