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Whereas  Genl Geo Stoneman Military Commandant 1st Military District State of Virginia in a recent report submitted by him to Genl U.S. Grant setting forth that the offices to which appointments have been made and to be made hereafter cannot be filled by competent and respectable Union men in the State and whereas the facts existing do not warrant any such assumption on the part of Gel Stoneman especially as to this District when applications have frequently been made by men of undoubted loyalty and fair capacity which were invariably rejected unless endorsed by and pressed by men from this section who were decided opponents to the reconstruction ads and authority of the United States thus retaining in office disloyal men to the exclusion of those who were of undoubted loyalty and of equal capacity and whereas the tendency of these proceedings upon the part of Genl Stoneman and those acting with him has been to discourage loyalty and offer as it were a premium to disloyalty. Now therefore be it resolved by the Loyal