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people of the county of Campbell assembled at their rooms in the City of Lynchburg this  25th day of November 1868

1st That we enter our solemn and earnest protest against the position taken by Genl Stoneman commandant 1st Military district State of Virginia feeling every assurance that the position is not tenable from the facts existing

2d That a sufficient number of Loyal men can be found in this state and especially in this district whose qualifications as honest faithful and efficient men entitle them not only to hold the civil offices in the state but to the confidence and respect of the community in which they might be called upon to serve.

3d That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Genl. O.O. Howard, Genl Geo Stoneman, Genl O Brown, Gov H.H. Mills, Hon T.S. Tullock "Sect" ARCC L E Dudley Chairman state central committee State Journal & Petersburg Times.
C.D. Flynn 
Jms. W. Burton