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The land upon which the house is to be erected is now owned by Mr. Cayhill, and consists of about a half acre of ground. He was willing to let the cold people have the use of it as long as it was occupied for school and Church purposes. I required that he should make out a Deed to the Trustees upon the terms proposed which he agreed to do during the present month. It is a central locality and will accommodated from 100 to 150 children.
If suitable teachers can be obtained, it is proposed if possible to begin a school at a place near Beaver Dam, known as "Union Seats" and another at "Flamingo Mills" in the event that these schools are organized there will be from 90 to 100 pupils in attendance at the "Green Bay" school, with an average attendance of at least 60 probably 75. If these schools cannot be started I estimate an average attendance of about 100 at the "Green Bay" School.
the cold. citizens manifest a deep interest in the subject of education. The names of the children who would attend were all given in with results as before stated.

Transcription Notes:
Dashes are not included in the transcription, but good job!