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patrons of the School for any further support required.

In order to erect the building as contemplated the following aid from the Bureau will be needed, an appropriation for which I most respectfully and earnestly request:

5000 Shingles                  estimated cost  $5.       $25.00
4 - 12 lighted windows 10 x 12 estimated cost            $15.00
100 Lbs nails                  estimated cost  5 1/2¢    $ 5.50
Freight on the above           estimated cost            $ 4.50
Service of Head Carpenter                                $25.00
                                            Total        $75.00

Upon receiving the within communication I immediately wrote to Mr. Graves requesting him to name a day when I could meet those interested in the School.  For some reason he failed to receive my letter - hence the delay which has occurred in making this report

I am Very Respectfully
Your obt. Servt
Ira Ayer, Jr. -
A.S.A. Comr