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to the Bureau for aid immediately after being discharged from various factories in the City.  This great question of Economy, will be placed in its proper light before these people with the commencement of the new year, and we hope with the matter placed before them, and the experience of the past three months, will prove a lesson to them and that they will profit thereby.
   That Intemperance has a strong hold on these people there can be do doubt, an that it is one of the greatest Curses they have to contend with there can be no question.  [[strikeout]] but that the greatest effort should be made by the friends of their race to correct this the greatest of all ills from their midst. [[/strikeout]]  I am forced to say that I fear 'tis on the increase.  What is the remedy.  We cannot react them by temperance Societies, for the A.S.A.C. for the City, Captain Cook, has put forth hurculean [[herculean]] efforts to  establish such Societies, but has entirely failed.
   He has spent time and money, has prayed for aid from the pulpits of the Colored Churches, but is now almost despondent of any success, and I fear will prove an exception to the rule of "casting bread upon the waters."  Legislation in my humble opinion can alone reach the

Transcription Notes:
Did the best I could with the strikeout. I think its pretty close.