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I M. B. Sinclair Clerk of the County of Prince William in the state of Virginia do certify that Eppa. Hunton is assessed with about Eight acres of land, in and near the Village of Brentsville and that he holds possession of Forty three and a half acres adjoining the same by purchase from A Nicol, and that the records of this office show no encumbrance upon it
In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said County this 3d day of February 1868
M.B. Sinclair

Justice of the county aforesaid in the state of Virginia this 10th day of Decr 1867
W.H. Gaines Presiding Justice of the County Court of Fauqr Co. Va

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-08 13:20:19