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3d 50000/2000 50.000 

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
3 Sub Dist Va 
[[strikethrough]] Office of Chief Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, District of Virginia [[/strikethrough]]

Richmond, Va., April 16 1868.

Gen. O. Brown
Asst Comr Va

General. I have the honor to forward an additional estimate for twenty five (25) thousand rations for distribution to freedmen and refugees in 3 Sub Dist. When the Sub Asst Comr forwarded his estimate for the month, he was under the impression that as spring had opened, the destitute would or could get employment. But such appears to have been wrong, and unless the additional estimate is allowed great suffering must ensue.

I am General
Your most obedt Servt
Paul R. Hambrick
2nd Lieut U.S.A. Sub Asst Com.