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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
District of Virginia 
Office Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.
Richmond Va. August 2nd 1868
Respectfully returned to Lieut. Paul R. Hambrick Sub Asst. Comr. for the dates of the original entry into service and the rank held  at that time by Captain Cook & Colonel Ayer, write as view to ascertain whether these officers are entitled to one longevity ration.
Geo Q White
Brevet Major U.S. Army
Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.
EB page 158 Vol. 68.
Bureau R. F. and A Lands
Hd Qr's 3d Sub Dist Va.
Richmond Va August 12/68
Respectfully returned to original Major Geo. Q. White, 44th Infty &c Col Ayer enlisted and was  commissioned as Captain of Co "J" 10th Reg't Penna. Res. Vol. Corps on the 15th day of April 1861 - was promoted & commiss'd Major October 18th, 1862. Promoted Lt Colonel December 18th 1863, and was mustered out with his Regiment June 14th, 1864 
The original entry of Cap't Cook [[?]] service is as reported in within
Paul R Hambrick 
Lt 45th Infty Sub. A. Com'r
[[stamp]] Bureau of R. F. & A. L. DEPT OF POTOMAC. OFFICE  Ch'f. Q. M. & Disb. Of. AUG 12 1868 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
Geo White's middle initial looks different in the two places. Cannot read the words under the stamp ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-09 07:10:06