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Report called for by Circular letter from Office Chief Qr. Mr. and D. Offices. Bureau R.F. and A. Lands, Dist of Va, dated Richmond Va. July 27th 1868.

[[ 8 Columned table]]
| No | Names | Duty | Date of Commission | Date of Muster Out | Date of appointment in Bureau | How employed when mastered out | Was service in Army continued or not |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Benj. C. Cook | A.S.A.C. 1st Divn | 2d Lt. in C.R.C. Army May 30th 1864 | January 1st 1868 | As A.S.A.C. 1st Div. 3d Dist Bureau Va | Continuous |
| 2 | Ira Ayers Jr. | A.S.A.C. 2nd Divn | Capt Bvt Lt Col VRC Jany 19th 1865 | January 1st 1868 | January 1st 1868 | As A.S.A.C. 2nd Div. 3d Dist Bureau Va| Continuous |
| 3 | Chas P. Goodyear | A.S.A.C 3rd Divn | 1st Lt USC Troops Novr 3d 1863 | November 23d 1865 | As Clerk March 23d 1866  As Asst Supt. March 1st 1867 | On duty with his Company | Continuous |
| 4 | Sam'l. F. Maddox | A.S.A.C. 4th Divn | 2d Lt Pomma[[?]] Va August 17th 1861 | November 1861 | July 27th 1868 | On duty with his Company | Continuous |

Richmond Va August 3d 1868
Paul R Hambrick
Lieut 45th Infty Sub Asst Commr
3d Sub Dist Bureau RF and A Lands Va

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