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The parties were about to leave The state or abscond. I am unable to state. I suppose the Clerk made the mistake. if he had refered to the attachment he could have seen upon what grounds the attachment was issued. When an attachment is served upon and due he is notified to appear on The first day of the County Court to say why the County should not order sale of his effects. If I mistake not Nat Haines was at Court when the case was called & made no defense.

You wanted me to state all the facts in the case. The farm was rented to the same parties last year for $45-  & G N Thompson has only received between sixteen & seventeen dollars & giving them a receipt in full believing that is all he would ever get. The parties have no horse or oxen to cultivate the farm & have under tenants & The oats levied on were seeded by a neighbor report what terms G N Thompson does no k now but have been informed that Nat Haines has no shares in them at any rate not more than one fourth. The officer who levied on the oats estimated the amount at thirty six hundred pounds in the sheaves & the [[?]] estimated per 100 pounds in the sheaf will shell out one bushel, so you see they will fall much short of the Haines estimate or the officer is a very bad judge of such matters.
Chastain White was employed by G N Thompson & made the motion by in Court & I refer you to him for the law in such cases
Yrs Most Respectfully C E Thompson