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Hanover County. to Wit ~
This day G. N Thompson made oath before me C.E. Thompson a justice of [[strikethrough]] the Peace of [[/strikethrough]] said County. That he verily believes that Nat Hanes & Absolum Terrell his tenants is justly indebted to him in the sum of Forty five dollars for rent reserved upon contract for a certain messenger and tenements situated in the said County -

Given under my hand this 21st day of July 1868 
(signed) C.E. Thompson J.P. - 

Hanover County to Wit ~
To John N Williams Constable of said County 
Whereas G.N. Thompson has this day made complaint on oath before me C.E. Thompson a justice of the [[strikethrough]] Peace [[/strikethrough]] County - that Nat Haines and Absolum Terrell his tenants are liable to pay him the said G.N. Thompson for rent of a certain messenger & tenement situated and being in the said County the sum of forty five dollars which will be due and payable within one year from this date and at the times and in the manner following to wit - the sum of forty five dollars which will be due on the first of next January of which he has recd no part, and has moreover made oath before me that he verily believes that said Nat Haines & Absolum Terrill intends to remove their affects from the leased premises aforesaid before the time of the payment of the [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] rent aforesaid - and that unless an attachment

Transcription Notes:
messuage - "a dwelling house with its adjacent buildings and the lands appropriated to the use of the household." ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-09 12:29:59