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support & pay  of the teacher as other districts. I most respectfully ask that this school be encouraged by the appropriation of the amount asked for. 

There is great need of a school in Curriomen Dist in Lancaster County - which if it could be established would complete the work in my Division so that all could, by long walks, have the benefit of the schools. At present in Curriomen the people have no advantages whatever and the children are deplorably ignorant contrasting unfavorably with those of other Districts who have had the benefits of school if only for a few months. If you will say that assistance shall be given, I will advise the people how to proceed.

I am Very Respectfully,
Your obt Srvt,
F.W. Haskell

Transcription Notes:
Currioman Landing Virginia Marine Resources Commission (.gov) › vsrfdf › currioman curriomen river virginia from This ramp is located on Currioman Bay ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-08 13:46:00