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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Hd Qr's 3d Sub Dist Va.
Richmond Va. Sept 25th/68

Respectfully forwarded to Gen'l O. Brown Assistant Commissioner Virginia "approved"
Paul R. Hambrick
1st Lt 45th Infty Sub A Comm'r


[[stamp]] H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r Dist of Va
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, Va. Sept 28th, 1868. [[/stamp]]

Respectfully referred to R.M. Manly, Supt of Education, Dist. of Va., for remarks. - 

By order of the Asst. Com'r
Garrick Mallery

Bvt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A. Inspr. Gen
& A.A.A. Genl.

E. & M. 
2d Vol. 228/68

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sup Education
Richmond Va. Sept 29, '68

Resp'y returned to Col Garrick Mallery Actg. Asst. Com'r. with the recommendation that $40 be appropriated as requested within

R.M. Manly
Sup Education
