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Bureau of Refugees, freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Sub-Assistant Commissioner, 3d Sub-District, State of Virginia
Richmond, Va., October 1st 1868.

General O.Brown, Assistant Comm'r Virginia,


Pursuant to provisions of Circulars No 5 and 13 - series 1867 - from Head Quarters Assist Comm'r Virginia. I have the honor to submit the following report.
I have watched with great regret the changes in my Sub-District the last three months regarding the rights of the Colored when in contact with White men brought before our Justices of the Peace for the different Counties and the Juries of our Civil Courts. In referring to individual cases in this Report, allow me to say that I write but the truth, and facts which can be sustained in any unprejudiced Court in the United States, either Civil or Military.
I will commence with the County of Hanover; it appears a few windows were stolen (some of) from the premises