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Bureau RF&AL. Office A.S.A.C.
2nd Div. 3d Sub Dist. Ashland, Va.
Oct 16th 1868

Lieut P.R. Hambrick
S.A.C. 3d Sub Dist. Va.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 14th inst. asking for an explanation as to the cause of my absence at the north.

In reply I beg respectfully to submit the following statement.

On Friday the 2nd of October, I received a letter from Titusville, Penna, informing me of the very serious illness of an elder sister to whom I was peculiarly attached, and intimating her earnest desire to see me before her death. The impression was made that not a moment was to be lost if I would see her alive.

I hesitated about leaving my station without permission, and also on account of the anticipated confinement of my wife; and it was only a short time before the arrival of the night train that I determined to go, overcome by the desire which I felt to be present at the hour of final parting.