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Office 3d Div. 3d Sub Dist. Dist of Va.
Bureau of R.F.& A. Lands King Wm Court House Va
October 17th 1868.

Lieut. Paul R. Hambrick.
S.A.C. 3d Sub Dist. Dist of Va.
I have the honor to request authority to remove my office from King Wm Court House to West Point Church Va. The location is more central for the two Counties. The mail facilities at the Court House always bad are now worse from the fact that the mail goes but once a week. instead of twice as it formerly did. I can live with a small colony of northern people- of three families & shall be near one of my schools. I respectfully urge that this request be granted.

Respectfuly Your Obt Servt
CP Goodyear
A.S.A.C. 3d Div 3d Sub Dist Va
Bureau R.F & A Lands.