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and Margaret Smith came up to Peyton Jones and demanded to know what he was doing there, at the same time striking Jones on the head with a pistol which he had in his hands. 
Jones started to run, as is testified to by witnesses named, and by Jones in his dying declaration (a copy of which is (enclosed) and whilst running was deliberately shot by this man Jack alias John Wren, whom they further swear they are intimately acquainted with, being not over 75 yards from his (Wren's) brothers drinking Saloon. It is also in proof by policeman Murphy that he heard a shot fired, heard some on say that a man has been shot, he started in the direction from which the sound of the shot proceeded, saw Jack (alias) John Wrenn coming from that direction. Wren had a piston in his hand when the policeman first saw him, this piston he (Wrenn) threw away when he discovered policeman Murphy approaching noticing this the said policeman at once arrested Wrenn and started with his prisoner at once for the Station house, Wrenn's comrades attacked this police