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of the accused, testified that their son had for some years, given them a great deal of concern at times because of his singular and unaccountable conduct;-that he often became very low-spirited, lost control of himself, and was ungovernable, acting without reason. That these manifestations, acting without reason. That these manifestations arose either from no apparent cause, or on the most trivial occasion. Reference was made to an injury which he had received upon the head some years since; Subsequently he had been affected as above described. They had endeavored to conceal his conduct, and the irregular condition of his mind as far as possible until this sad occurrence. The father had often corrected him and threatened punishment unless he desisted from his course, but without apparent result. The mother testified that he was in this condition for a number of days previous to the occurrence. On Sunday She endeavored to induce him to attend Church, hoping that it would improve him to go out and meet with acquaintances. In this however she did not succeed. The day after, which was Monday, he committed the Deed. Their son had always been on the kindest terms with Lewis. He was an old and much esteemed family servant.  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-08 13:16:30